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33 Jobs That Allow You to Travel and Reap Exciting Benefits

By Publisher
| Last Updated July 23, 2020

Getting paid to see other parts of the country—or even the world—is more than just a possibility. It's a reality for millions of working professionals.

In fact, jobs that allow you to travel are often easier to find than you might realize. You just need good examples of what to look for while exploring your career options.

Some paid positions feature business travel for meetings, conferences, or incentives. In a May 2022 report, the U.S. Travel Association says that although there was significantly less business travel in 2021 than in 2019, there were still about 720,000 business trips taken. Those travelers spent $126 billion compared to $306 billion in 2019.

Jobs That Involve Traveling

Jobs that involve traveling are fairly abundant. And they can enable you to experience a lot of the appealing benefits that are often associated with taking trips away from home. For example, careers with travel opportunities frequently allow people to:

  • Make new friends they never would have met
  • Check out interesting restaurants they've read about or seen on TV
  • Explore fascinating museums and heritage sites
  • Go on unique recreational or sightseeing adventures
  • Learn about different cultural customs
  • Improve their overall adaptability
  • Network with potential future employers, clients, or work partners

Get ready to feel inspired by the following examples of careers that involve travel for many of the people who have them. Some of the highest-paying travel jobs are at the top of the list, which is ranked by average yearly wages. Each example also includes information about the length of post-secondary education or training that is typically required for getting started.

(Note: Where mentioned, employment growth projections are based on estimates for the period from 2018 to 2028. And yearly wage information is based on May 2019 data from the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program unless indicated as being from (1) PayScale or (2) Go Overseas.)

1. Film or Video Producer

Making movies, TV shows, commercials, and videos often requires traveling to particular locations that offer the right scenery or settings. So being a producer in this field can involve taking trips to check out potential locations before filming starts as well as traveling during the actual production.

  • Average yearly income: $93,940
  • Top-end yearly income: $173,680 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 4 years

2. Management Analyst or Consultant

Companies often bring in outside consultants to help them analyze their businesses and form new strategies for growth or cost saving. So a lot of business management consulting firms employ professionals who get to take trips to visit clients in locations all over the country or the world. Employment in this field is expected to grow by 14 percent.

  • Average yearly income: $95,560
  • Top-end yearly income: $154,310 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 4 years

3. Corporate, Commercial, or Airline Pilot

Just like flight attendants, pilots are always traveling as part of their everyday work. So they're often able to visit cities all over the nation and, as they advance, all over the world too. And, of course, airline pilots generally receive the benefit of being able to fly as a passenger in their off time at no cost.

  • Average yearly income: $102,870 to $174,870
  • Top-end yearly income: $179,440 to $208,000 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: 2 to 4 years

4. Traveling Auditor

Whether for the government or private organizations, many financial auditors travel from place to place to conduct thorough inspections of their various clients' accounts. That's why an education in accounting can eventually lead to appealing opportunities that help you see a lot of the places you've never been.

  • Average yearly income: $79,520
  • Top-end yearly income: $124,450 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 4 years

5. Traveling Registered Nurse (RN)

Hospitals and other medical facilities often experience temporary shortages of registered nurses because of vacations, maternity leaves, retirements, and other issues. As a result, a whole industry exists for the placement of RNs who want to travel to different locations and help employers fill those gaps. Typically, they are given multiple-week assignments for each new location and also have all or some of their housing and meals paid for. Plus, the employment of RNs, in general, is projected to rise by 12 percent.

  • Average yearly income: $77,460
  • Top-end yearly income: $111,220 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: 2 to 4 years

6. Market Research Analyst

Finding new markets and figuring out what people are likely to pay for requires a lot of skilled investigation. But it also frequently requires traveling to trade shows or interesting places where new trends are starting to happen. Plus, many marketing consulting firms pay research analysts to travel to the locations of their different clients and help them find and tap into profitable markets. Job opportunities in this field are projected to rise in number by 20 percent.

  • Average yearly income: $71,570
  • Top-end yearly income: $122,630 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 4 years

7. Travel Writer

Tourism agencies and travel publications, both in print and online, need a steady stream of useful and fascinating stories to share with their readers. And some people have achieved great success with their own travel blogs. Either way, becoming a reputable writer in this niche can enable you to receive free or discounted trips to many fun and distinctive places around the world.

  • Average yearly income: $73,860
  • Top-end yearly income: $122,450 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 2 to 4 years

8. Traveling Makeup Artist

Many entertainers, as well as theatrical and film production companies, hire talented makeup artists who are willing to travel from city to city. That way, they're assured of having a consistent level of makeup quality for each show or on-location film shoot.

  • Average yearly income: $81,600
  • Top-end yearly income: $145,420 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: 2 years or less

9. Music Producer

Bands and solo musical artists usually need or prefer to have professional guidance when it comes time to record new music. Producers give them somebody more objective to help shape their ideas and their sound based on their project goals. Many producers even take on some audio engineering and mixing duties. As a result, being a music producer with a good reputation can mean receiving offers involving travel to various studio locations (both foreign and domestic).

  • Average yearly income: $95,390
  • Top-end yearly income: $173,680 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: 2 to 4 years

10. Sales Representative

Selling is one of the most valuable business skills you can have. And, in many industries, sales representatives are frequent travelers who meet potential or established clients and customers in all kinds of exciting locations. In some cases, they even have special budgets that allow them to take those people out to nice dinners or other fun outings.

  • Average yearly income: $66,760 to $92,980
  • Top-end yearly income: $120,460 to $158,580 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 1 to 4 years or less

11. Surveillance or Security Manager

Large retail chains often employ security specialists to help oversee and coordinate theft-prevention efforts. And that can involve tasks such as setting up and maintaining surveillance equipment as well as training loss-prevention officers at stores in multiple regions. Plus, most large touring acts and sports teams hire security managers with the same types of skills to prevent equipment theft and help ensure the safety of entertainers, roadies, athletes, and coaches in each new city.

  • Median yearly income: $68,0951
  • Top-end yearly income: $123,000 or more1
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 2 to 4 years

12. Retail Buyer or Purchasing Manager

Retail chains conduct a lot of research before deciding which products to offer for sale. So their buyers and purchasing managers often get paid to travel to various trade shows in search of new and profitable products that customers might like.

  • Average yearly income: $69,680 to $128,400
  • Top-end yearly income: $107,510 to $193,400 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 4 years

13. Hotel Manager

Many global resort and hotel chains provide management and hospitality training for their employees in locations other than where they work. Plus, advancement opportunities often include regular travel in order to check up on different properties—which are frequently in some of the most beautiful or culturally rich regions of the world.

  • Average yearly income: $63,570
  • Top-end yearly income: $105,720 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: from less than 1 year to as many as 4 years

14. Traveling Medical Technician or Technologist

The first two examples listed above aren't the only careers involving travel in healthcare. All kinds of other roles in the allied health field can provide the same benefit. With the right qualifications and experience, cardiovascular technologists, medical laboratory technicians, diagnostic medical sonographers, and many other health professionals can get paid to travel. Jobs that require their services exist in new and interesting places. And a lot of them are in real demand. For instance, the employment of cardiovascular techs and medical lab techs is expected to increase by seven percent and 11 percent, respectively. And for medical sonographers, the projected growth rate is 20 percent.

  • Average yearly income: $54,780
  • Top-end yearly income: $81,530 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: from less than 2 years to about 4 years

15. Executive Assistant

Corporate executives, especially at the senior level, tend to do a lot of traveling. And many of them are involved in major international business dealings, meaning that they often take trips overseas to exotic destinations. That's why a lot of executive assistants have jobs requiring travel. Their high-powered employers see them as vital contributors who help make their business trips go as smoothly as possible.

  • Average yearly income: $62,920
  • Top-end yearly income: $91,330 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: from less than 1 year to 2 years or more

16. Live Sound Engineer

Live events like big concerts and other stage shows rely on good sound quality for their impact. So skilled sound engineers are sought for all kinds of touring productions. They usually travel from city to city with many other skilled roadies and help ensure that each show leaves the audience satisfied.

  • Average yearly income: $67,090
  • Top-end yearly income: $121,320 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: from less than 1 year to as many as 2 years

17. Commercial Diver

Many of the world's man-made structures are partially or fully under water—by design. They include things like bridges, deep-sea oil drilling platforms, shipping docks, and pipelines. So constructing, maintaining, or repairing them requires scuba divers with special skills, including in underwater welding and underwater photography. A lot of commercial divers get to travel for their work since each new job is often in a whole new location—sometimes even overseas. And demand is strong. Employment in commercial diving is anticipated to rise by seven percent.

  • Average yearly income: $67,100
  • Top-end yearly income: $119,830 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: less than 1 year

18. Restaurant Manager

Like hotel managers, many people who work in restaurant management get the chance to take frequent trips for job-related reasons. That's particularly true for those who help manage national or multi-national restaurant chains.

  • Average yearly income: $59,820
  • Top-end yearly income: $93,040 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: from less than 1 year to as many as 4 years

19. Private Investigator

Clients approach private investigators with all kinds of cases, from suspected adultery to missing persons to corporate fraud. As a result, travel is frequently a necessary aspect of the job. After all, clues can lead to a lot of exciting and unexpected places.

  • Average yearly income: $57,000
  • Top-end yearly income: $89,760 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 2 to 4 years

20. Millwright

When companies need to set up large industrial machines on new job sites, they need tradespeople with specialized skills and expertise. Millwrights help assemble, move, calibrate, or take apart heavy equipment used in industries like manufacturing, electrical power generation, and construction. And they typically travel from work site to work site, spending a few weeks at each one. For some of them, that means being able to see and experience lots of different places throughout the course of a career. The projected rate of employment growth in this trade is nine percent.

  • Average yearly income: $57,050
  • Top-end yearly income: $81,080 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: 2 years or less (or 4-year apprenticeship)

21. Event Planner

From destination weddings to international business conventions, special events are often a major generator of jobs that include travel. After all, event planners might consult with their clients in one city but end up needing to help oversee the final arrangements in an entirely different one. The number of job opportunities in event planning is projected to rise by seven percent.

  • Average yearly income: $54,880
  • Top-end yearly income: $86,390 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 2 to 4 years

22. Fashion Marketing and Merchandising

Determining which clothing and accessory lines to sell—and how to promote them to potential customers—often involves taking fun trips to scout ideas. And fashion shows take place in many of the world's most colorful and happening cities.

  • Median yearly income: $49,0571
  • Top-end yearly income: $98,000 or more1
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 2 to 4 years

23. Flight Attendant

Working for an airline can have great travel benefits, especially if you're a flight attendant. That's because the job, by its very nature, involves traveling far from home on a regular basis. And that often means being able to explore a different city between your shifts. Plus, many airlines allow their flight attendants to fly for free during their personal time when space is available on under-sold flights. That frequently even applies to international flights, which can help minimize vacation costs.

  • Average yearly income: $56,230
  • Top-end yearly income: $80,940 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: from less than 1 year to as many as 2 years

24. Journalist

Our world is full of important and entertaining real-life stories just waiting to be told. It's why we need journalists who have heart and integrity. Whether reporting from the front lines of a foreign revolution or the sidelines of a big sporting event, many talented journalists get to travel to lively places both near and far.

  • Average yearly income: $62,400
  • Top-end yearly income: $117,170 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 4 years

25. Traveling Surgical Technologist

Just like traveling RNs, many experienced surgical techs also have the opportunity to work in a variety of locations on an interim basis. They help out in the operating rooms of hospitals and ambulatory surgical clinics across the country. And some of them even get the chance to travel the world with surgeons who provide operations for disadvantaged people in developing nations. The expected growth rate for overall surgical technology employment is nine percent.

  • Average yearly income: $50,110
  • Top-end yearly income: $71,400 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: 2 years or less

26. Massage Therapist

A lot of qualified massage therapists are able to travel and work in exciting or exotic places, both in America and abroad. In fact, it's possible to build a fun and adventurous career by pursuing opportunities on cruise ships, in destination resorts, or even with professional sports teams. And employment in the massage therapy field is expected to increase by 22 percent.

  • Average yearly income: $47,180
  • Top-end yearly income: $80,630 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: from a few months to as many as 2 years

27. Commercial Truck Driver

Many long-haul truck drivers enjoy rolling through a variety of scenic locations from coast to coast. Some of them even regularly cross borders and get to experience different cultural customs while taking breaks along the way to their final destinations. You can find training for this career at truck driving trade schools.

  • Average yearly income: $46,850
  • Top-end yearly income: $66,840 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: 3 to 6 months

28. Racing Team Mechanic

Racecars obviously don't fix themselves. They get tuned up by highly skilled auto technicians who specialize in working on high-performance vehicles. And, of course, professional racing circuits involve a lot of built-in travel. Each race is usually in a different location, meaning that a qualified mechanic can see a lot of the country—and sometimes foreign cities—while getting paid to do what he or she loves.

  • Average yearly income: $44,890
  • Top-end yearly income: $68,880 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: 6 months to 1 year or more

29. Photographer

Whether it's taking photos for destination weddings, commercial advertising, or journalism, the work of a professional photographer can include a lot of travel. It really just depends on your area of focus and the reputation you've established. Photojournalists and commercial photographers, especially, tend to get a lot of different jobs that require travel and pay well.

  • Average yearly income: $45,440
  • Top-end yearly income: $79,440 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: from less than 1 year to as many as 4 years

30. Dancer or Choreographer

From touring musical acts to traveling theatrical shows, many job opportunities open up every year for dancers and choreographers with dedication and talent. In fact, a total of 3,600 jobs are projected to become available each year, on average, between 2018 and 2028.

  • Average yearly income: $47,653 to $53,590
  • Top-end yearly income: $90,293 to $101,710 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 4 to 6 years

31. Tour Guide or Travel Agent

If you're into taking repeated trips and guiding people through enticing places, the tourism industry has some intriguing jobs. You could go to foreign sites of historical significance or to places offering recreational adventures. You could also work on staking out potential destinations that can be recommended to clients who prefer professional and personalized trip-planning services.

  • Average yearly income: $30,670 to $44,690
  • Top-end yearly income: $45,850 to $69,420 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: 1 year or less

32. Spa Practitioner

Beauty professionals are employed in exciting locations all over the globe. As a result, having talent and skills in cosmetology or esthetics opens up opportunities for careers that travel the world. You could work in exotic settings like destination spas or luxury resorts and cruise ships. Plus, in a lot of areas of the industry, demand is quite strong. For instance, the projected employment growth rate for nail technicians is 10 percent. And for skincare specialists, it's 11 percent.

  • Average yearly income: $27,390 to $47,180
  • Top-end yearly income: $36,730 to $80,630 or more
  • Typical length of post-secondary training: less than 1 year

33. International Teacher

English-speaking teachers are in big demand in many foreign countries, and not just for teaching English. In fact, many of today's opportunities are for teaching anything from math and science to the arts. Typical contracts are for at least two years, and employers frequently pay for your travel, housing, and insurance. So you can save a lot of money while getting paid to live and work in a country you've always wanted to explore. Then, once your contract is up, you can seek out an entirely new location and keep repeating the process. It can be an extraordinary way to see the world.

  • Typical yearly income (in the highest-paying countries): $16,800 to $78,0002
  • Typical length of post-secondary education: 4 years

5 Appealing Benefits of Jobs With Lots of Travel

Woman in red blazer using tablet at airport with blue suitcase beside herMost people know that going on trips for leisure is good for your health and mental well-being. But people sometimes forget that traveling for work can also come with benefits. In fact, the best traveling jobs offer the chance to experience many great advantages that might not be on your radar. For example, many professionals (including those with part-time jobs) that travel a lot get to reap benefits such as:

1. New friendships

The social aspect is one of the best features of many traveling jobs. (No experience is more enriching than meeting other people that you really connect with.) A lot of traveling professionals are able to start and maintain long-lasting friendships with people from all kinds of different places. As a result, they often discover more about themselves and feel more stable and grounded.

2. Memorable dining and recreational experiences

You don't necessarily need a high-paying travel job with a large expense account in order to enjoy fun and interesting adventures when you're away from home. Even many entry-level travel jobs provide opportunities for experiencing memorable attractions. For instance, a lot of professionals come home with good stories about eating at cool hole-in-the-wall restaurants, walking through scenic parks, watching crazy street buskers, or visiting unique historical sites. The recreational possibilities are frequently extensive, regardless of how much money you're able to spend.

3. Heightened creativity

Travel planning concept with passport, vintage camera, straw hat, sunglasses, world map, compass, and a small model airplane on a table.Vising someplace new can stimulate your senses in ways that being at home cannot. The sights, sounds, smells, and tastes may be unfamiliar to you, which can spark positive changes in your brain that lead to more creativity. That's why people with good traveling jobs sometimes display a higher ability to solve problems and come up with truly original or inventive ideas.

4. Heightened empathy and cultural awareness

This benefit isn't necessarily a feature of all travel-related jobs. (Where you travel—and what you do when traveling—has a significant impact on whether or not you gain a richer understanding of other cultures.) But if you truly immerse yourself in a culture that is different than your own, then you may begin to feel much more connected to all of humanity. And that can help you feel more optimistic and capable of seeing problems from a variety of different perspectives.

5. More confidence, resilience, and adaptability

Even traveling jobs that pay well introduce professionals to distinctive challenges and small mishaps from time to time. From flight delays to language barriers, the challenges that you face and overcome can help you become more confident and resilient in all areas of life. And being adaptable can be very valuable when it comes to landing good job opportunities and succeeding in your career over multiple decades. After all, change is always happening.

Get a Head Start on Your Own Journey

Clearly, jobs that allow you to travel are plentiful. And the above examples represent only a few of the possible options. So don't hesitate to begin pursuing your travel-oriented future in a field you enjoy. Discover relevant training programs in your area by searching with your zip code today!