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Jobs for Lazy People: Make Money While Embracing Your Inner Sloth

Last Updated February 20, 2024

Slackers, rejoice! Jobs for lazy people really do exist. You don't need to put effort into developing a so-called "work ethic" when your "anti-work ethic" is perfectly capable of, you know, working for you. Here's the truth: Power-saving mode isn't a defect. It's a feature. You can take that to the bank.

After all, where the heck do you think most of the world's best inventions have come from? That's right—the minds of lazy people who wanted to make life easier. They saw hard work as something to banish, not expand. You think hard workers or busy bees would ever come up with inventions like the wheel, remote control, microwave oven, elevator, or automobile? Not a chance! Laziness is the true mother of efficiency.

So kick up your feet, you magnificent loafer. This article will introduce you to some good careers for lazy people like you. With any luck, you'll soon be making money with minimal disruption to your don't-care-ish attitude and lackadaisical lifestyle.

You're too lazy to read this, but here it is anyway: Salary information is based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) unless otherwise indicated. Annual figures are rounded to the nearest thousand.*

10 of the Top-Paying Jobs for Lazy People

Relaxed businesswoman with curly hair sitting in office chair, smiling, with colleagues blurred in background.In honor of your virtuous lazy bones, we've put this section right at the top. And don't worry: It doesn't contain many words. That way, you can quickly get back to not doing whatever it was you weren't doing.

1. Management Consultant: $95K

Get your business management degree, or better yet, an MBA. Then, impress overly busy executives with smart-sounding mumbo jumbo that you've brainstormed during peekaboo sessions with your sleeping cat.

2. Network Systems Administrator: $91K

Set up a bunch of automated systems to manage and monitor your employer's computer network. Then, look busy by debating the pros and cons of superhero capes with your online chat buddies.

3. Music Producer: $85K

As a certain hitmaker from the 1980s once sang, "Relax. Don't do it." With today's digital technology, you can produce groovy songs without ever breaking a sweat. Plus, goofing around often leads to better music.

4. Project Manager: $95K

Delegate, delegate, delegate. Your slothful ways will force you to find the most efficient people, tools, and resources for completing big projects. Then, you won't have to lift many fingers of your own—unless it's to dial up a mobile massage.

5. ESL Teacher: $59K

Help people from other countries learn how to speak English—that is, whenever you get around to it. You may as well travel overseas, get your housing paid for, explore your new surroundings, and "work" at your leisure. Isn't this area of teaching awesome?

6. Archivist: $53K

Get paid to be a lazy hoarder…um…history buff. You'll get to collect a bunch of stuff, organize it whenever the mood strikes, and basically just make sure it doesn't go anywhere.

7. Private Detective: $52K

Indulge your most snoopish tendencies whenever you get tired of just lounging around. By using more brains than brawn, you should have plenty of time for catching up on silly movies about that excessively eager dude they call Sherlock.

8. Clergyperson: $56K

Why worship work when you can worship God instead (and be all sloth-like about it)? Whether you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or a follower of any other religion, your lazy bones will be glad for the opportunity to provide moral and spiritual leadership without working to exhaustion. Hey, even Jesus was against excessive labor.

9. Commercial Truck Driver: $50K

Go ahead: Sit on your butt all day while watching the scenery roll by and listening to your favorite tunes or podcasts. Just don't forget to, you know, drive. Nothing ruins a relaxed day on the road like an 80-car pileup. (But at least they have other people to clean those up.) Fortunately, truck driving school can be completed quickly and relatively easily.

10. Security Guard: $35K

Show potential thieves, vandals, and vampires who's boss. With law enforcement training, you'll have the skills to bum around a property—or just sit and stare—stepping into action only if some hoodlum dares to disrupt your idle tranquility.

Here's Why You Don't Like to Work

Yeah, yeah. You're a sluggish freeloader without any motivation. OK. Fine. But what if that isn't totally true? Instead of searching for the best jobs for lazy people, maybe you should re-evaluate everything and find out what's making you feel like an overstuffed couch potato with expired toppings. Working in the wrong job, or even a job you hate, can completely strip away your motivation and drive. In turn, this can leave you feeling unfulfilled, which can feel like laziness. But laziness may not be the underlying issue.

According to a 2014 Psychology Today article, some of the key factors that can drive laziness include the following:

  • You have not found what you want to do.
  • You do not relate to your job, or you feel that it has no purpose.
  • You fear success or failure. You may lack self-esteem and, as a result, are not comfortable with pursuing success. Or you could fear failure so much that it is better, in your mind, to not try at all.
  • You feel hopeless. You feel so dreary that you are unable to think through your situation and come up with solutions. It becomes easier to be lazy than to face your sense of hopelessness.

This Is How to Find a Career That Suits You

Turn off your power-saving mode for just a minute—if you can. (We know—nobody ever gave you a manual for this stuff. And you wouldn't have read it anyway.)

Now, think about your likes and dislikes. Also, consider your current and previous jobs. What have you enjoyed most about them? What have you liked the least? Can you relate to any of the following statements?

  • You are not interested in building your career and always seeking the next promotion.
  • You want a low-stress job.
  • You desire a job that is fun.
  • You do not like physically demanding work and would prefer sit-down jobs.
  • You would enjoy a position that lets you work more productively or efficiently in order to work less.
  • You like the sound of a job that is repetitive, one in which every day is essentially the same.

Still with us? Good. You might be a sloth, but you're definitely going places. Now, think about your personal interests. What areas of your life do you dedicate a lot of time and commitment to? Do you enjoy playing video games for hours? (Maybe a career in the video game industry is right for you.) Do you like to spend time journaling and blogging? (Maybe you should consider a career in writing.)

You'll discover all kinds of careers for lazy people once you realize that everyone has different things that trigger their motivation. Right now, you may feel like the world's most underrated goof-off artist, but finding a suitable job could change all that. Simply put, you probably just need to reconsider your job options. So summon whatever energy you have left and look into careers that are:

Low-Stress Careers

Woman receiving a back massage at a spa with aromatherapy products nearbyStress can turn you into a major slacker. So if you don't have any professional ambition, maybe you're a victim of stress overload. According to Psychology Today, too much stress can lead to physical burnout, mental exhaustion, poor decision-making, and reduced creativity. If you're dealing with any of that, then consider a low-stress career instead. Here are a few possibilities—including both active and sitting-down jobs:

1. Massage Therapist

In this job, relaxation is the name of the game. Your clients will seek your services in order to relax, de-stress, and even heal from injuries. And you may get to set your own hours, choosing how much or how little you work. Another plus to this career path is that a lot of massage therapy programs can be completed quickly.

  • Median hourly pay: $23.97

2. Medical Transcription

Some health care careers fall into the low-stress category. Since this career involves transcribing medical records, it's a sit-down job that can offer both independence and the opportunity to work from home. And some medical transcription programs can be completed in a year or less. You'll never have to get off your butt.

  • Median hourly pay: $16.70

3. Nutritionist

Along with being a relatively low-stress occupation, this career can provide a great deal of satisfaction since you get to help people achieve healthy lifestyles through proper diet and nutrition.

  • Median hourly pay: $31.95

4. Optician

This is a good career track if you enjoy interacting with a variety of people on a daily basis. You get to spend your days helping people choose the right eyeglasses and contact lenses. You could also be responsible for fitting and repairing their eyewear. And optician training usually doesn't take long to complete.

  • Median hourly pay: $19.04

5. Physical Therapist Assistant

Help people heal from injuries or find relief from chronic diseases and conditions. Along with offering therapeutic treatments, physical therapist assistants also educate their clients about appropriate daily routines.

  • Median hourly pay: $30.18

Productive Careers

Smiling young man with curly hair sitting at desk with a computer in an office environmentRelax, lazybones. Productivity doesn't necessarily require hard work. Here's the reality: Some people who self-identify as lazy are quite efficient and productive. They are often more careful to anticipate and avoid problems and are more apt to find the path that requires the least amount of work required to achieve the desired results. And when this process is executed well, it can end up saving companies both money and time.

There is actually a quote known as Hlade's Law that states, "If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy person; they will find an easier way to do it." Some professionals also refer to this as productive laziness, and there are several books written on the subject. So whatever you want to call it, there are a lot of jobs that could be a great fit for a productively lazy person. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Computer Programmer

If you ask a computer programmer, he or she will likely tell you that the ultimate goal of this job is to write as little code as possible. You actually work to make your job as easy as possible. Doing so is considered successful programming. The simpler your code, the less likely it is to have bugs and the easier it is to maintain and adapt for updates and improvements.

  • Median hourly pay: $47.02

2. Event Planner

Here's a job that can be as easy or difficult as you want to make it. The more efficient and organized you are, the less you'll have to work. It's a position that can give you a lot of control and flexibility. And event planning training doesn't usually take too long to complete.

  • Median hourly pay: $25.27

3. Project Manager

The concept of productive laziness is actually rooted in project management. It is often argued that the most successful project managers work smart, not hard. If you believe that your efficient thinking and organizational skills would help you succeed in the field, then you might want to consider attending a project management school to begin building your expertise.

  • Median hourly pay: $45.85

4. Software Engineer

Similar to computer programmers, software engineers work to automate functions as much as possible, which means reducing the amount of work you actually have to do. Software systems are often large and complex, so automation is a requirement in order to be able to develop, maintain, and update them in a timely and affordable manner. Laziness wins again.

  • Median hourly pay: $61.18

Repetitive Careers

Businesswoman in a black suit smiling while holding a pen and working with documents and calculator at an office desk with a computer.A lot of lazy people don't like the element of surprise. They don't enjoy multitasking or dealing with constant interruptions and changes to their workflow. Instead, they like knowing exactly what their job entails and want to complete the same or similar tasks day in and day out. If you have been working in jobs that are constantly keeping you on your toes and it's making you feel totally bogged down and unproductive, then maybe you would be a good fit for a repetitive career like one of the examples listed below:

1. Assembly Line Worker

Although many factories have been automated with modern technology, there are still positions out there for people wanting to work on an assembly line. Most assembly or production line workers are assigned to specific stations and responsible for only a small number of tasks. Plus, factory line positions often require little more than on-the-job training.

  • Median hourly pay: $18.24

2. Bookkeeper

If you are good with numbers and like the sound of a sit-down job, then you may want to consider becoming a bookkeeper. Your work is usually based on a monthly cycle in which you complete general accounting tasks like inputting financial transactions, maintaining and balancing ledgers, and preparing financial statements. You could quickly build up your proficiency and become familiar with the most common accounting software systems by enrolling in an accounting or bookkeeping program.

  • Median hourly pay: $22.05

3. Court Reporter

Although it is a repetitive career, court reporting can be quite interesting. You could attend court trials and hearings as well as legal conferences and meetings and be responsible for transcribing the proceedings. You can obtain the skills you need to enter the profession by completing a court reporter or legal studies program.

  • Median hourly pay: $30.56

4. Medical Biller and Coder

In this type of career, you get to maintain medical records by assigning codes to every patient procedure and diagnosis. And the billing side of the profession involves using coded records to appropriately charge insurance companies, government programs, and individual patients.

  • Median hourly pay: $22.69

5. Security Guard

With a security job in a low-key setting like an office, apartment building, or small shopping center, you can generally expect each day to be like the one before it. You'll likely make the rounds, monitor security cameras, and complete reports at the end of your shift. Although some positions do not require formal training, you can enhance your employment prospects by completing a short law enforcement program.

  • Median hourly pay: $16.71

Fun Careers

Young man with curly hair playing video games, sitting on couch, smiling, holding a game controller, wearing white shirt, ripped jeans, and yellow slippers.Yes, good jobs for lazy people exist, and some of them even let you have fun. Why let yourself become as bored as a lounge lizard after closing time? Securing a job that's fun will put some bounce in your step and inspire you to achieve great things. Take a look at a few interesting career paths below, and if you would like to research fun jobs even further, check out our article about fun jobs that pay well.

1. ESL Teacher or Translator

Who doesn't love to explore new places and meet awesome people from other cultures? If you can speak, write, and read a second language or are prepared to teach English as a second language (ESL) in a foreign country, then becoming a translator or ESL teacher could be a pleasurable career path for you. Aside from being fluent in a second language, most translators participate in on-the-job training programs. And many ESL instructors enroll in English as a second language programs to help them prepare for both domestic and overseas opportunities.

  • ESL teacher median hourly pay: $28.17
  • Translator median hourly pay: $25.79

2. Food Critic

Can you imagine earning a paycheck by sampling food and writing about your experiences? That is the job of a food critic. After sampling a restaurant's dishes, you get to write reviews that are published online or in print. Culinary arts training can help you develop your palate and general food knowledge.

  • Median hourly pay: $35.17 (for writers and authors)

3. Mystery Shopper

All types of companies, from restaurants to department stores, hire mystery shoppers to enter their establishments as ordinary customers and rate their experiences. It is important that you are professional, discreet, and possess attention to detail in order to complete your assignment accurately. In essence, you can be all chill as you assess the quality of various products and services.

  • Median hourly pay: $36.53

4. Photographer

The field of photography offers interesting and varied career options whether you are taking breathtaking scenic pictures or snapping cute moments with parents and their children. Some people open their own studios in order to offer portrait and family photo sessions whereas others choose to take pictures of landscapes and scenery that they sell as stock photos. You can consider fine-tuning your talents and finding your creative niche by taking a photography program.

  • Median hourly pay: $19.31

5. Video Game Tester

Can you believe that people are actually paid to play video games? With hundreds and sometimes thousands of video games released every year, design companies require individuals to spend hours testing every game that they produce. So you can turn your favorite pastime into a paying job. And if you want to get into the field even further, consider attending a video game design school and becoming one of the masters behind game creation.

  • Median hourly pay: $46.58

Bizarre Careers

Woman with short hair smiling at the camera in a business meeting with colleagues in backgroundAre you too lazy to be "normal?" Do you enjoy being different and standing out from the crowd? Maybe you don't feel motivated to work because an "ordinary" job just isn't right for you. Thankfully, the world is full of oddball ways to make a living, even if you have the instincts of a slug. Here are a few examples:

1. Budtender

Cannabis jobs keep growing in number. In several U.S. states, medical marijuana dispensaries and recreational cannabis shops can legally sell weed, which has given rise to a ton of new opportunities. Budtenders have some of the coolest jobs in this young industry. In some ways, they're similar to bartenders, except they work in marijuana shops and dispensaries.

  • Median hourly pay: $14.71

2. Fortune Cookie Writer

With approximately 40,000 Chinese restaurants across the U.S., it shouldn't be surprising that three billion fortune cookies are consumed every year. Of course, somebody has to write all of those fortunes. Fortune cookie manufacturers tend to hire freelance writers to come up with new and fresh phrases in order to keep their fortune databases up to date. Plus, there are many other creative opportunities out there for writing professionals. When it comes to sit-down jobs, this is a great area to get into.

  • Median hourly pay: $35.17

3. Professional Cuddler

Yes, this is actually a thing. And it might be one of the laziest jobs you can find. Professional snuggle companies are popping up across the country that offer cuddle services to customers who want to benefit from platonic therapeutic touch. Companies strictly regulate the interactions to keep both parties safe.

  • Average hourly pay: According to Cuddle Comfort, the going market rate for professional cuddle services is about $80 per hour. If you work for a professional snuggle company or utilize a matching service, you can often keep between 60 and 85 percent of that amount.

4. Research Study Participant

From sleep studies and pharmaceutical testing to nutrition research and behavior analysis, research study participants are required for all kinds of projects. And they are often paid pretty well. Research institutions and large corporations conduct most studies, and they have to adhere to strict ethical standards and guidelines. A study can be as simple as spending a couple of hours filling out questionnaires, or it can involve bigger time and lifestyle commitments.

  • Average hourly pay: Payment varies widely from study to study. Basic studies that don't have large commitments can pay as little as $50, whereas others can run into the thousands of dollars.

How to Overcome Laziness

Yes, your laziness may totally be a virtue. But if it's holding you back, you should probably rethink your sluggish ways. Here's what to do about it:

  1. Set realistic expectations for yourself. Your problem may be that you are not being realistic about everything you are able to accomplish.
  2. Surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage you. It is too easy to be bogged down by the negativity and cynicism of others, so try to fill your life with people who uplift you instead.
  3. Determine who you want to be and what you want from life. This can help guide your decision-making and increase your motivation.
  4. Overcome your feelings of hopelessness by breaking large goals and tasks down into smaller parts. For example, instead of focusing on running 20 miles, start by focusing on running half a mile and gradually work up from there.
  5. Increase your energy level by ensuring that you are sleeping, resting, and exercising enough. It is recommended that adults obtain seven to eight hours of quality sleep every night, get a minimum of 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise every week, and perform muscle-strengthening activities twice a week.
  6. Build up your motivation by visualizing your end goal. By always keeping your end goal in the forefront of your mind, you're more likely to find the motivation you need to achieve it.
  7. Stop multitasking and start focusing on one thing at a time. Multitasking can lead to feeling overwhelmed, and when you feel overwhelmed, it is much easier to succumb to laziness.
  8. Motivate yourself through affirmations. Repeat statements to yourself like "I can achieve my goals," and "I have the strength to make good things happen."
  9. Stay away from procrastination. Many experts believe that procrastination is a form of laziness. It is much easier to get something out of the way than to constantly have a nagging in the back of your mind that you have an activity that still needs to be completed.
  10. Seek professional help. If you really cannot identify the underlying factors that are contributing to your feeling of laziness, there are professionals who can help you.

Ready to Change Your Life for the Better?

OK, you gorgeous sloth. What will you become now that you've discovered a variety of jobs for lazy people? Will you give in completely to your slacker tendencies, or will you find a career that's actually a good match for your interests and personality? Don't worry: It's so easy to find training for awesome careers that even a loafer like you can pull it off. Simply enter your zip code into the school finder at the top of the page. See? Easy!

* Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook. Some careers listed may be part of a combined occupation profile (visited November 8, 2023).