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55 Best Jobs for Introverts: What Kind of Introvert Are You?

By Publisher
| Last Updated March 7, 2024

Here's why the best jobs for introverts aren't always easy to pinpoint: Introversion is a spectrum of personality traits, not just a single characteristic. In fact, according to one modern school of thought, introverts tend to fall within one of four main types: social, thinking, anxious, or inhibited. (These are different from the Myers-Briggs types you might have heard about.) Do you know what type of introvert you are? If not, you're about to find out.

The following list of the best careers for introverts is based on a modern understanding of the four main types as well as the various traits that comprise the introversion spectrum. Keep in mind that many introverts have a mixture of traits from each main type, even if traits from one type tend to dominate their personality. That's why it helps to supplement any suggestions you receive from guidance counselors or books with other ideas based on the types of introversion that most closely match who you are.

Good jobs for introverts do exist. So, discover some of the best career options for you right now by figuring out what type of introverted person you are:

Orange infographic stating "I'm a Social Introvert" with a description of social introversion traits and a button labeled "See Social Introvert Careers GO"

Purple banner with text describing a 'Thinking Introvert' who manages social events well, is introspective, and imaginative, with a 'GO' button linking to thinking introvert careers.

Green banner with text describing characteristics of an anxious introverter.

Blue infographic stating characteristics of an inhibited introvert with a button linking to inhibited introvert careers

Salary information and yearly job openings is based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) unless otherwise indicated.*

Orange circle. Social Introvert Jobs

Mechanic in black shirt and cap smiling while wiping hands with a rag in a garageThe term social introvert sounds like a misnomer. After all, many introverts prefer to avoid social situations. But, as funny as it sounds, this term is meant to describe those very people. Social introverts prefer solitude. They would rather be alone or part of a small group rather than around lots of other people.

However, it's important to understand that introverts within this category aren't shy people. That is, they don't experience much, if any, anxiety in social settings. They simply prefer situations in which they can minimize human interaction on a regular basis.

Even so, social introverts are often known for their loyalty. And they tend to be good at understanding their boundaries and developing meaningful relationships with the people who become part of their small inner circles. That's partially why, when it comes to good careers for introverts, people who fall into this category might have the highest number of possibilities to choose from.

It's vital to pay attention to your potential work environment if you think you might be a social introvert. Many social introverts find that working from home aligns with their personalities. And many others try to steer clear of settings that are crowded, noisy, full of interruptions, or don't offer much privacy. Some of those factors will depend less on your particular career and more on your specific place of employment.

That said, many occupations offer chances to perform satisfying work without being around too many people. They include a variety of careers in the skilled trades and other interesting vocations. For example, here are some potentially good career choices for introverts in this category:

1. Database administrator

  • Yearly job openings: 10,200 (for all database administrators and architects)
  • Median annual pay: $99,890

2. Electrical or electronic engineering technician

  • Yearly job openings: 9,900
  • Median annual pay: $66,390

3. Mechanical drafter

  • Yearly job openings: 16,600 (for all drafters)
  • Median annual pay: $61,310

4. Civil or architectural drafter

  • Yearly job openings: 16,600 (for all drafters)
  • Median annual pay: $59,820

5. Plumber

  • Yearly job openings: 42,600
  • Median annual pay: $60,090

6. Private chef

  • Yearly job openings: 439,300 (for all cooks)
  • Median annual pay: $38,563

7. Industrial machinery mechanic

  • Yearly job openings: 49,100 (for all industrial machinery mechanics, machinery maintenance workers, and millwrights)
  • Median annual pay: $59,830

8. Heavy equipment mechanic

  • Yearly job openings: 21,100
  • Median annual pay: $58,350

9. Interpreter or translator

  • Yearly job openings: 7,200
  • Median annual pay: $53,640

10. Private investigator

  • Yearly job openings: 3,800
  • Median annual pay: $52,120

11. Commercial diver

  • Yearly job openings: 500
  • Median annual pay: $68,300

12. HVAC mechanic

  • Yearly job openings: 37,700
  • Median annual pay: $51,390

13. Carpenter

  • Yearly job openings: 79,500
  • Median annual pay: $51,390

14. Heavy tractor-trailer truck driver

  • Yearly job openings: 241,200
  • Median annual pay: $49,920

15. Welder

  • Yearly job openings: 42,600
  • Median annual pay: $47,540

16. Dental lab technician

  • Yearly job openings: 8,300 (for all dental and ophthalmic laboratory technicians)
  • Median annual pay: $46,050

17. Motorboat mechanic

  • Yearly job openings: 9,000 (for all small engine mechanics)
  • Median annual pay: $48,280

18. Motorcycle mechanic

  • Yearly job openings: 9,000 (for all small engine mechanics)
  • Median annual pay: $43,370

19. Small engine mechanic

  • Yearly job openings: 9,000
  • Median annual pay: $44,080

20. Animal trainer

  • Yearly job openings: 79,900 (for all animal care and service workers)
  • Median annual pay: $35,620

21. Baker

  • Yearly job openings: 33,800
  • Median annual pay: $32,780

Purple circle Thinking Introvert Careers

Person using a stylus pen on a graphics tablet with a desktop computer in a brightly lit office settingEven though they might not necessarily be the type of people to go out of their way to engage in social opportunities, thinking introverts don't mind being around a lot of other people. Unlike social introverts, their energy isn't drained by social interaction. But they do tend to be very thoughtful and introspective, critical thinkers. As a result, they often spend a lot of time using their imaginations and self-reflecting.

Thanks to their rich inner lives, thinking introverts are frequently very creative introverts. They can often think outside the box, recognize the big picture, and synthesize varying ideas into new innovations. Plus, many of them are known for having good listening skills, interpersonal skills, and showing respect for other people's ideas.

That's why fields like engineering, technology, and art and design are a great fit for introverts in the thinking category. Examples include occupations such as:

22. Aerospace engineer

  • Yearly job openings: 3,800
  • Median annual pay: $126,880

23. Software developers

  • Yearly job openings: 153,900 (for all software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers)
  • Median annual pay: $127,260

24. Environmental engineer

  • Yearly job openings: 3,400
  • Median annual pay: $96,530

25. Industrial engineer

  • Yearly job openings: 22,800
  • Median annual pay: $96,350

26. Civil engineer

  • Yearly job openings: 21,200
  • Median annual pay: $89,940

27. Video game artist

  • Yearly job openings: 9,400
  • Median annual pay: $98,950

28. Fashion designer

  • Yearly job openings: 2,300
  • Median annual pay: $76,700

29. Web developer

  • Yearly job openings: 19,000 (for all web developers and digital designers)
  • Median annual pay: $78,580

30. Social media manager

  • Yearly job openings: 25,800
  • Median annual pay: $67,440

31. Graphic designer

  • Yearly job openings: 22,800
  • Median annual pay: $57,990

Green circle on a transparent background Anxious Introvert Jobs

Professional man in suit smiling at desk with paperwork in a well-organized office environmentLike social introverts, anxious introverts prefer to be alone. However, in this case, introversion stems from painful or deeply felt anxiety about how other people perceive them. Anxious introverts are shy people, feel awkward in social situations, and may lack certain social skills. They tend to worry about what has already happened or what might go wrong in the future.

Some people are crippled by their social anxiety. However, introverts in this category frequently have some marketable abilities that make them well suited for careers that require intense attention to detail. After all, their anxiety gives them considerable practice imagining—and planning for—worst-case scenarios. So, many of them can develop a laser-like focus on important details.

As a result, some of the top careers for introverts in the anxious category involve performing critical work that's very detail-oriented or that contributes to keeping people safe. For example, the following occupations are a great fit for introverts of the anxious variety. These careers allow them to use their strengths while working alone—or with only a few other people—for significant chunks of their day:

32. Statistician

  • Yearly job openings: 3,500 (for all mathematicians and statisticians)
  • Median annual pay: $98,920

33. Commercial pilot

  • Yearly job openings: 16,800 (for all airline and commercial pilots)
  • Median annual pay: $103,910

34. Technical writer

  • Yearly job openings: 4,800
  • Median annual pay: $79,960

35. Accountant or auditor

  • Yearly job openings: 126,500
  • Median annual pay: $78,000

36. Aircraft mechanic

  • Yearly job openings: 12,800 (for all aircraft and avionics equipment mechanics)
  • Median annual pay: $70,010

37. Audio engineering technician

  • Yearly job openings: 12,900 (for all broadcast, sound, and video technicians)
  • Median annual pay: $60,670

38. Medical lab technician or technologist

  • Yearly job openings: 24,000
  • Median annual pay: $57,380

39. Auto mechanic

  • Yearly job openings: 67,700
  • Median annual pay: $46,970

40. Proofreader

  • Yearly job openings: 900
  • Median annual pay: $45,410

Blue circle Inhibited Introvert Careers

Businesswoman discussing documents with elderly couple in office setting.Introverts who are part of this category frequently appear very reserved and laid back. They often do things more slowly than others. They don't immediately react when presented with opportunities to speak, make decisions, or take action. In fact, inhibited introverts have a strong preference for thinking before doing almost anything.

But that reserved nature often comes with heightened powers of reflection and observation, which makes a lot of inhibited introverts good at offering wisdom from a big-picture perspective. As a result, the best job for introverts of this kind tends to be something that allows them to be a voice of reason.

Inhibited introverts are generally not afraid to ponder hard questions in order to find the truth and get to the heart of big challenges. That's why many of them find success and fulfillment in fields such as science, counseling, and other vocational areas that require keen analytical and big-picture thinking abilities. For example, they are often well suited for occupations like:

41. Physicist

  • Yearly job openings: 1,500 (for all physicists and astronomers)
  • Median annual pay: $142,850

42. Astronomer

  • Yearly job openings: 1,500 (for all physicists and astronomers)
  • Median annual pay: $128,330

43. Biochemist or biophysicist

  • Yearly job openings: 2,800
  • Median annual pay: $103,810

44. Geoscientist

  • Yearly job openings: 2,200
  • Median annual pay: $87,480

45. Personal financial advisor

  • Yearly job openings: 25,600
  • Median annual pay: $95,390

46. Management analyst

  • Yearly job openings: 92,900
  • Median annual pay: $95,290

47. Microbiologist

  • Yearly job openings: 1,700
  • Median annual pay: $81,990

48. Market research analyst or marketing specialist

  • Yearly job openings: 94,600
  • Median annual pay: $68,230

49. Anthropologist or archaeologist

  • Yearly job openings: 700
  • Median annual pay: $63,940

50. Wildlife biologist or zoologist

  • Yearly job openings: 1,500
  • Median annual pay: $67,430

51. Content writer or author

  • Yearly job openings: 15,500
  • Median annual pay: $73,150

52. Conservation scientist

  • Yearly job openings: 3,000 (for all conservation scientists and foresters)
  • Median annual pay: $64,460

53. Career or education counselor

  • Yearly job openings: 26,600
  • Median annual pay: $60,140

54. Marriage or family therapist

  • Yearly job openings: 5,900
  • Median annual pay: $56,570

55. Mental health or addictions counselor

  • Yearly job openings: 42,000
  • Median annual pay: $49,710

Introversion's Wide Spectrum of Traits

Everyone is introverted in some way—to at least a small degree. So popular stereotypes about introverts are sometimes misleading, even though they prove accurate for many people.

These days, it's relatively easy to get a handle on your introverted personality type through online quizzes or more extensive assessments like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Learning your Myers-Briggs type can help you identify your strongest preferences. And the results of other personality tests can offer clues to your individual strengths. But these kinds of assessments can't necessarily give you firm answers about what jobs to pursue. And they carry the risk of inspiring you to define yourself by them, which can limit your outlook and blind you from good opportunities. The truth is, no personality assessment can ever be perfect, especially since human beings grow and change.

That said, it's important to be familiar with some of the most common traits and preferences of introverts. They include:

  • Being alone or with very few people
  • Drawing energy from within instead of from external stimuli
  • Having a lot of personal space and downtime
  • Listening and observing more than speaking
  • Waiting for other people to approach them in social situations versus initiating contact themselves
  • Taking extra time to think before speaking or taking action
  • Exuding a calm, quiet, and reflective demeanor
  • Learning deeply about a few topics instead of superficially about many
  • Having the freedom to work independently, with little or no supervision
  • Rarely engaging in self-promotion
  • Subduing their external demonstration of emotions
  • Having limited contact with the public

It's important to note that every introvert is different and will not necessarily display all the preferences and personality traits listed above. Plus, introversion is not a mental disorder. And it's not confined to humans. According to an article in Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, nearly every species on Earth has both introverts and extroverts.

Even though our society seems to be set up for extroverts to thrive more easily, it is important to recognize the contributions of millions of people who fall into the introversion spectrum.

* Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook. Some careers listed may be part of a combined occupation profile (visited March 6, 2024).